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Black Cock Porn Biracial Relationship How's it going all? I'm your everyday average guy. I'm in my early thirties and my girlfriend is nineteen. I know, I know, I'm a real lucky guy. Every girl is hot when they're nineteen, and believe me, she's no exception. She's got short spiked bleach blonde hair, the most gorgeous ass you've ever seen, beautiful ice blue eyes and a pair of tits that don't quit. And she likes to get it on with other chicks too. We've had quite a few threesomes over the past eight months. I never thought I would say this, but I'm kinda getting tired of the girl on girl action. Just like anything it gets old after awhile. I've been thinking about what else I could get her to do that would be fun to watch. And then it came to me. Try to get her down to an adult bookstore and make her suck some strangers Biracial Relationship after work. On occasion I met a couple of my friends there who were all business professionals of various types. One of my good friends, James, is 42, married and a rather nice looking black man. He and I would always talk about everything under the sun including foxy women with great legs. This night was no different and suddenly I began to wonder if I could get James to fuck Cheryl. We had begun watching a ball game on TV which was in the latter stages. I asked James if he would like to come out to our house for another cocktail and see the end of the game there. I told him that my wife would probably have some nice snacks for us. I asked him if he liked hot wings and he said he did. I told him that Cheryl made great ones so it was soon agreed that we would go to our house. I told him that I wanted to call Cheryl first to let her know we were coming. As I spoke to Cheryl, I told her that I was bringing James out to the house to try some of her hot wings and if all went well, to provide her with her first black cock. I could sense the excitement in her voice. She had met James a couple of times but briefly. She had always Big Black Dick Anal Blacks On Cougars Stephanie Wylde towards the wall and says "you've seen one now" I look over and sure as shit there's a hole in the wall. Today is my lucky day, this is just getting easier and easier. What next? Is she going to tell me that she has always had the fantasy of sucking strange dick in a video booth? I look back at her and say "oh my god, there is a hole there" acting sly. She looks back at me with her naughty girl look and I know instantly what that look means. She wants to do it! She keeps looking at me and starts saying "honey" and I know that means she wants me to tell her she can do it. I play along and pretend like I don't want her to do it. She starts with the "pleeeease" and all that shit. I tell her she's got to be kidding and she does'nt even know whose cock she's sucking. She says she Rough Interracial Gangbang

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Got Black Cock Cuckold Picture to the living room, James and Cheryl were sitting together on the love seat. The were hotly kissing and James had one arm around Cheryl’s back and the other hand was roaming her legs. She had his fully erect cock out and was rubbing and stroking it. My own cock throbbed at what I saw. I said nothing and remained sitting back in my easy chair, lustily watching my sexy young wife with my black friend. In a short while, Cheryl got on her knees on the floor in front of James and was soon sucking his cock. He was in ecstasy as she is a superb cock sucker. He was making little approving moans of delight. My cock was aching as I watched my wife sucking her first black cock. She soon stopped sucking him only long enough to fully remove his dress slacks and shorts. She then went back to sucking him for a little while. Then as she continued sucking, she removed her tight shorts. She had no panties on underneath. She then stood up and straddled James and slowly lowered her pussy onto his throbbing black cock. She let out a rather loud moan of approval as her pussy was soon invaded by James rather thick black cock. She slowly lowered 14 Inch Black Cock Mixed Race Marriages belly shirt with black platform heels on. I wanted to fuck her right there in the living room. So I did, I walked behind her and lifted up her skirt and pulled down her thong and slipped it up inside her tight, young twat and pumped away until I was about to cum and then pulled out and gave it to her mouth. That's one thing I gotta say about these younger girls...they love to swallow. I managed not to get any on her face, she would've been pissed if she would've had to redo her makeup. Anyways, we take off for the club and a night of fun. We're at the club for a couple of hours and she tells me she's getting bored and wants to do something else. I figure this is as good of chance as any to mention going to the adult bookstore. She perks right up when I mention it, but what Ebony Sex Black Big Dick let out a moan of joyful lust as James thrust fully into her. He was soon holding her by her waist and thrusting hard into her. Cheryl was moaning continually, tossing her head back and forth, her long blonde hair flipping all over the place as James fucked her. She was also thrusting her ass back into him to match his thrusts into her. It was VERY hot and erotic. My own cock was aching from all that I had seen and was still seeing. Al soon bent over her and reached beneath her to fondle her ample tits. He told her that she had great tits in addition to superb legs. Cheryl just kept moaning, “ohhhh, ohhhh, ohhhh, uhhhh, uhhh, uhhhh.” James was soon fucking her so hard that she lost her balance and ended up flat onto the floor. He continued fucking my wife. Her hands were up at each side of her head clenched into fists and she continued moaning. She occasionally tilted her head back so that her and James’ tongues could entwine. It wasn’t much longer before James announced that he was going to cum again and did. He couldn’t believe how hot and wild my wife was. He was soon dressed to leave and Cheryl had put her Interracial Cuckold Porn throat. Just watching her suck that dick made my dick get hard. She was really getting off on this, more than I was, and this started out as my idea, who would've know. She kept on sucking that black dick until it was about to spew. She pulled it out of her mouth and looked right at me as she stroked it into orgasm. It shot gobs of thick cum all over her pretty face as she looked at me with eyes full of desire. Then she took it back into her mouth to get the last few gobs in her mouth. She pulled back off of it and sat there leaning back on her hands smiling at me and said...."Mmmmm, he tasted so fucking good!" I asked her if she liked sucking that big, black cock and she said she loved it. She cleaned her self up and we split. We went back home and fucked like animals. Blog Cuckold after work. On occasion I met a couple of my friends there who were all business professionals of various types. One of my good friends, James, is 42, married and a rather nice looking black man. He and I would always talk about everything under the sun including foxy women with great legs. This night was no different and suddenly I began to wonder if I could get James to fuck Cheryl. We had begun watching a ball game on TV which was in the latter stages. I asked James if he would like to come out to our house for another cocktail and see the end of the game there. I told him that my wife would probably have some nice snacks for us. I asked him if he liked hot wings and he said he did. I told him that Cheryl made great ones so it was soon agreed that we would go to our house. I told him that I wanted to call Cheryl first to let her know we were coming. As I spoke to Cheryl, I told her that I was bringing James out to the house to try some of her hot wings and if all went well, to provide her with her first black cock. I could sense the excitement in her voice. She had met James a couple of times but briefly. She had always Biracial Relationship knows and that's what makes it so much more the naughtier. This is perfect, I don't even have to convince her to do it, she's trying to convince me into letting her do it. I tell her that she can do it and she gets all happy. Now all we have to do is wait. I figured it would'nt be long, it being Friday night and all and I figured right. Not more than a few minutes went by after me telling her she could do it when we heard the booth's door next to us shut and lock. She got down in front of the hole and stuck her fingers through it and said in a soft, sexy voice "may I please suck your dick?" Not more than three seconds went by and a half hard black cock sprang through the hole. I was'nt expecting that but it was even better that she was about to suck some strange black guys
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